Saving Money and Learning About Financial Literacy Before Moving to the UK

I’ve always been really bad at saving money. Didn’t know how to save money, how to stop spending money, how to curb my shopping addiction- I am probably the least financially literate person I know.

It doesn’t help that I’m a freelancer. The gig economy and endless side hustles mean unreliable income, so saving properly is still hard for me. It’s worth it though, my handmade earrings made from vintage beads, broken jewelry, crystals, and charms are pretty fly (@lizardkingwitchshoppe babiessss).

But we gotta save up for that big ol’ move to England!

The office, aka the Providence Flea Market.

I’m challenging myself to curb my spending. I have BPD, and impulsivity is a major thing to work on as a borderline. So every dime I make in my side hustles, my antique shop, my tarot readings– going right to my savings account.

Where to begin?

Right now, I’m saving via Stash. It’s an amazing app the teaches you about the stock market, and gives you stock back with every purchase you make on your Stash debit card. It also has saving options! You can sign up with my referral link– we’ll both get $20 in stock when you sign up and add cash!

So far I only have about $220 saved in my Stash, split between my taxes and my move. It’s not much, but its a start.

For a while, I was also using Ibotta to make extra cash. It’s a couponing app, where you submit receipts to get cash back on all of your purchases. I also have a referral link with this one– sign up here and after submitting your first receipt, we both get $10! Cool!!!

Money spells galore!

On the witchy front, I’m doing plenty of spells to continue to promote money flow. One of my ongoing spells is my little money jar at my front door. I put all of my change in here, along with a little bit of cinnamon bark (great for fast money spells!) and a citrine stone. I try to keep this money moving, whether for work investments, charity, or supporting a small business.

You can also mix moonwater and spearmint oil and wash your front door to promote money manifestation, burn bay leaves with your intentions written on them as a fast money spell, or sprinkle bayberry under your rug to manifest wealth in your home. I tagged some Amazon products to get you started, but I also recommend supporting your local witch shop.

Mixing the practical and the magickal is something I love doing. The more the ~money energy~ flows, the more it comes back to you.

Back to saving. What’s the plan?

  1. Stop spending money on weird Facebook marketplace finds, except for shop inventory.
  2. With every sale I make, put half of it into savings.
  3. For our pre-moving trip to the UK, find a host on to save money on hotels (you can trade house/petsitting for a place to stay!).
  4. Do research on the cheapest places to live in the UK (so far Norwich is on the top of the list!) and make a plan.
  5. Use Google Flights to find the cheapest airfare I can find.
  6. Find other ways to be impulsive.

I have to save at least $500 for my half of the plane fare for the initial trip, not to mention moving costs and whatever my rent is.

Not only am I manifesting the money itself, but I’m also manifesting getting better spending habits, and learning to save money and become financially literate.

Let’s get saving!

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